Hobby Blog to Business Blog Post: Plan of Attack appears on ProBlogger.

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Many blogs, perhaps most, started out as hobby blogs. We have special interests and we like to share our passion with others, that's why we blog. But then somewhere a large number of bloggers decided that they really wanted to make money from their blog.
Here's my story: I started blogging for fun and enjoyed it so much that I decided to do it for profit. Such examples convince many people to try turning their blogging hobby into a business, but the process is not as simple as it seems.
There are a few businesses that I think are worth spending some time on before considering turning a hobby blog into a business.
1. Evaluate the niche
If you have a blogging hobby, you've probably already chosen a niche. But to decide to turn it into a business, you need to know if the niche is big and profitable enough to bring you a profit. I've written about choosing a blog niche before, but there are a few things to keep in mind:
- niche size and popularity
- size and strength of competition
- Place in a niche to make money consistently (some niches and markets are easier to monetize than others).
2. Check if your monetization plan is right for you
It's one thing to blog somewhere with high earning potential; Another thing is to monetize your blog in this niche. Different niches are suitable for different types of monetization. Even if you enjoy blogging as a hobby and have significant ad revenue potential, you may not want to advertise on your website or newsletter, for example. If you want to make money in this niche, you have to find a different way, and it may be different from what others see.
On the other hand, you may have big plans to make money, but you realize that your niche market cannot support them. This does not mean that your idea is "bad" - for example, the niche is not developed enough to accept your rent, or the niche is low. provide value and the public is not used to paying a higher price for a higher value proposition.
If your hobby blog is going to turn into a business, you need to use the appropriate level of monetization tactics for a large enough audience segment.
3. Make a plan
I have to admit, I'm good at promoting the moment, but if I wanted to turn a blogging hobby into a business today, I'd have a plan. In this plan, the starting point will be my current hobby blog, and the final point will be the income (and profit) numbers. In the meantime, I'll outline the basic steps I'll take to transition from hobby to business.
These steps can be:
- This is based on my content list
- product ideas to test in the market
- A clear plan for attraction, engagement and retention, possibly including digital goals.
- I developed a step-by-step approach to converting loyal readers of my blog into paying customers.
- plans to develop their monetization skills (including using ad management systems, contacting potential advertisers or sponsors, taking SEO writing or training courses, etc.)
- … etc.
I suggest limiting your plans by time. I did this when I decided to try blogging professionally: I had six months to learn. If it doesn't bring in any income at that time, I'll have to find someone else to live with. Having a time limit for these things really motivates me to stick with what I'm doing. It also gave me a light at the end of the tunnel: if I wasn't having fun and not working, I was "out"—I was allowed to cut my losses. abort failed attempts.
That thing called passion
Anyone looking to make a profit wonders if turning your hobby into a "business" will kill your passion. There really isn't an answer to this question - I thought it might be something you should try for yourself.
However, one thing is for sure, if you want to make money blogging as a hobby and if you could, it wouldn't happen if you struggled with your hobby from the start. I think the best way to avoid the risk of losing your passion is to do good research and planning, perhaps along the lines of what I've outlined here, although your prep work will depend on your niche, focus and experience. and your audience.
Have you ever turned a blogging hobby into a business? Share your stories with us in the comments.
Hobby Blog to Business Blog Post: Plan of Attack appears on ProBlogger.