Creating Products: Before You Even Think About Creating Products, Think About This

Creating Products: Before You Even Think About Creating Products, Think About This

The post “Creating a product: think about building a product before you think about it” first appeared on ProBlogger.

Product Innovation: Before you even think about building a product, think about it.

Photo by Swapnil Dwivedi on Unsplash

Product Innovation: Before you even think about building a product, think about it. Today, we're continuing ProBlogger 's Building a Product week by looking at some of the key business areas you might need before or during product development, ” says Darren . This post was written by our marketing and product expert Shane , but I'll also throw in a few ideas . Here, Shane.

Product Innovation: Before you even think about building a product, think about it. As you explore the many monetization options as a blogger, products are sure to be on the agenda. Here at ProBlogger we have shared many stories of how products have truly changed all of our blogs. While stories like this are uplifting, inspiring, and motivating, the truth is that a lot of work has been done long before our first product was launched. which played a decisive role in their success. Today, I would like to share with you some of the things you should do now before you start thinking about the products you need to create that will help you determine the results we have seen here at ProBlogger and dPS.

Basic concepts:

1. Give motivation to move in the right direction

If you're thinking about building a product because your traffic and readership isn't growing, or even if you're moving south, this might not be the time to launch a new product . There are exceptions to this, but for information products (ebooks/courses) it is important to have some traffic on your blog.

Commodities are great for capitalization and help build momentum, but are generally not good for building momentum from a steady start. This is especially important for bloggers, as visitors and engagement are the backbone of your blog.

Don't confuse declining revenue with visitor numbers and engagement: revenue changes may not reflect the true state and mood of your blog.

If you don't see optimistic analytic charts, even moderate ones, focus on changing them before starting to create new products.

Product Innovation: Before you even think about building a product, think about it. Darren says : “One of the keys to the success of my first e-book, 31 Days to Building a Better Blog, is that it came after a month-long posting series on the same e-book topic . it seems odd that an ebook originally sold so well with recent blog posts. When everyone was new to blogging, this month's posts and reader interactions created a lot of momentum. Readers only got 31 valuable posts, there was a lot of goodwill and community on the site and I think the high sales reflect that.

Product Innovation: Before you even think about building a product, think about it.

2. Build fans as well as readers

I have worked with sites with millions and millions of monthly visitors, email lists with hundreds of thousands, and social media followers.

But this does not mean that they will sell more products than the big players, who have only 10% of the audience . Why? This is because participation and trust play a huge role in the product purchasing decision process.

If the majority of your readers come and see your post and then go somewhere else, they will ignore you when you launch your product and the advertising strategy may be better for you.

If you have real fans who will not only listen to your show but also share it with others, then you are on the right track.

So if you want to launch a product, make sure you have fans.

I recommend checking out 31 Days to Build a Better Blog for some ideas on how to change your relationship with your audience - there are some great community building practices you can apply right now.

Product Innovation: Before you even think about building a product, think about it. Darren says : Have you ever ordered a book, music or product without holding it in your hands to see if you really want it? If yes, then it is most likely the result of being a fan/girl of a brand or person. I had a similar experience with our e-books where people told me they bought them without much thought because they trusted me or helped me in the past. Building this "fan" connection takes time. In addition, it is usually the result of constant practical support from readers. Be generous and honest and always put your readers first .

Product Innovation: Before you even think about building a product, think about it.

3. Create your list

It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway. You need to create your own list .

You need to build an email list and serve those who have signed up so that when you launch your product they actually read your emails. You need to build your social media list to get your followers/fans to notice you on social media. Again, it's not the quantity that matters, but how they treat you .

This list will give you the most bang for your buck (on top of your multi-million dollar marketing budget) when you announce your new product to the world.

You probably should have started this a long time ago, so if you're still in doubt, go for it!

Product Innovation: Before you even think about building a product, think about it. Darren said, " I can't repeat Shen's thoughts on this." The last time I analyzed our eBook sales source, I found that over 90% of our sales come from emails we send to our readers . Please understand. If we don't have an email list, our sales will be 10% of it.

While I fully understand the excuses people make for not building or helping email lists (it takes work and is slow to build like "old tech"), the truth is that if you don't use them, you're leaving sales on table. .

Learn more about how to use email marketing to increase traffic and earn money.

Product Innovation: Before you even think about building a product, think about it.

4. Expand your network

I'm the kind of person who goes to a conference and sits in the corner, listening, but always with an "I'm playing on my phone" screen protector.

I hope not, because when it comes to launching your product, you need a network.

You need people to get support and advice for your product, you need people in your audience to help launch your product, and you need people to help with your media strategy.

So feel free to meet new people and expand your network of contacts as much as possible. I know it's hard, but it helps and is worth the effort.

Product Innovation: Before you even think about building a product, think about it. If you're like me, Darren says , you'll probably feel a little awkward when Shane asks you to step out of your comfort zone like this. I am an introvert and self-promotion and communication are not easy for me, but he is right. Luckily for those of us who are shy, this doesn't mean a lot of face-to-face meetings and phone calls (although that can help), but it can be achieved through email, social media, and other internet technologies. The key is to show yourself and get to know other people in your field.

Product Innovation: Before you even think about building a product, think about it.

5. Get a good reputation

I'm not talking about notoriety here, I'm talking about being famous for something - and in the context of what you share on your blog.

You may be known as the caller, the test taker, the crash test dummy, the friendly listener, the angry person, etc.

You may also be known for sitting on one side of the partition. Apple Guy, Canon Girl and others.

I don't care what it is, but make sure you're known for something other than your name and the name of your blog, because people will be happy that your product is not just another trifle, but one of the best. Should be good!

Product Innovation: Before you even think about building a product, think about it. Darren said : The power of this surprised me a little. When Chris Garrett and I wrote the first hardcover edition of ProBlogger in 2008, I noticed a strange trend. When people were browsing it, the most common word people used to describe me was "beautiful". From time to time reviews say that I am the "coolest blogger". At first I wasn't sure - don't good guys always finish? - but I realized that it actually became part of my brand, and, as Shin says, that's what I'm known for.

Product Innovation: Before you even think about building a product, think about it.

6. Explore and learn

By doing this, you will learn a lot, I assure you. The most important thing you will learn is your product niche and your specific audience.

Before starting your product journey, start by researching your competitors. What products do they have, how do they sell, how much do they cost, and how well do they sell?

Continue reading blogs like ProBlogger for presentations, or join a community like ours to ask questions privately.

Take a month or two to make sure you're smarter than anyone else when it comes to products and launches.

That's not all! (only some of them...)

Product Innovation: Before you even think about building a product, think about it. This is an area that I did not pay much attention to when publishing my first two e-books , says Darren . Partly at that time in my country, not many others produced e-books, but partly because the actual process of creating a product was very cumbersome. However, I think I could have started my first eBooks differently by spending more time in search mode. The key here for me is not to imitate what others are doing, but to learn from it and look for opportunities to stand out from the crowd. For example, does everyone in your country make small simple e-books for $5? Perhaps there is an opportunity to pass for a blogger who creates more detailed e-books or even quality courses?

Product Innovation: Before you even think about building a product, think about it.

7. Identify your strengths and weaknesses

It seemed to get easier with age, but as a bulletproof teenager, I thought I could do anything, and if I admit my weaknesses, I will give my rivals a chance!

But by understanding and accepting your true strengths, you can focus on them and turn them into your products. Knowing your weaknesses means knowing what you can't provide and what help you need so that it doesn't hold you back.

If technology isn't your forte, ask for help or sign up with someone. If you're more of a visionary than someone with an eye for detail, make sure you have checks and balances in place to deal with it.

Don't live in denial about who you are good and who you are bad. If you do, it will appear on your product and for people who might buy it.

Product Innovation: Before you even think about building a product, think about it. Darren says : "It's two levels for me: Product Creator and Product Show. First, when I wrote my first photography e-book, I was very ashamed that I wasn't a professional photographer. I've always been an amateur photographer and I know Enough to help beginners, but when writing my first e -book I wanted to do it a little better . অনুভব যে বেশি দরকারী পণ্য তৈরি করেছি ।।।। ।।।। ।।।। ।।।। ।।।। ।।।।

দ্বিতীয়ত, যখন প্রথম লঞ্চ কর কর কথ, আমি খুব ভ ানত যে আগে কখনো কখনো কখনো করিনি ।।।।। ।।।।। ।।।।। ।।।।। ।।।।। আমি শপিং ক, সেলস তৈরি, মল, অ্য প্রোগ্র াম সম্পর্কে কিছুই জ াম ।। ।।

ফলস্বরূপ, আমি প্রথম লঞ্চগুলি সঠিকভ পেতে াহ কর কর পর জন্য লোকের ক শেন এমন ব্যক্তি ছিলেন য া সাহায্য করেছিলেন করেছিলেন বিশেষ করে বিক্রয় পৃষ্ঠা ইমেলগুলির সাথে সাথে সাথে কিন্তু ও য ারা পথ ধরে ায্য করেছিলেন করেছিলেন কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ কপিব্লগ ব্র ায় ক্ল, আম াপ্রথম াকে করেছিলেন (উদাহরণস্বরূপ, কপিব্লগ ব্র ব্র ক্ল ক্ল আম াকে াকে াকে ায্য ায্য ায্য ায্য ায্য

পর ক, আমি জ আমি অনেক শিখেছি শিখেছি, তাই আমার পরবর্তী আসে, তখন আমি আত্মবিশ্বাসী ছিলাম আরও দক্ষতা ৷ ৷ ৷ ৷ ৷ ৷ ৷

পণ্য তৈরি: আপনি পণ্য তৈরি কথা চিন্তা করার আগে, এটি সম্পর্কে।।

8. আপনার পাঠকদের বুঝতে

আপনি মনে করতে প প আপন প আপন সোশ্য আপনার পোস্টে প্রতিটি জন্য জন্য জন্য জন্য জন্য বা 1000 জন লোক আছে এবং কিছুই বলে।।।।।।।। এটিতমন্তব্যক

আমি আপন বেশি প ক আপনি লোকের সাক্ষাত্কার নিন এবং নিজেদের সম্পর্কে আরও কিছু বলতে।। এলোমেলোভাবে কয়েকটি বেছে নিন এবং সাথে কবে কবথন আমি গ্যারান্টি যে ফলাফল আপনাকে অবাক করবব


পণ্য তৈরি: আপনি পণ্য তৈরি কথা চিন্তা করার আগে, এটি সম্পর্কে।। ড্য : আপনি আপন ার প ালোভাবে জ পণ্য তৈরি করতে আরও বিষয় ব াই করবেন করবেন করবেন করবেন, সঠিক পণ্য করবেন করবেন আরও ভ ভ দাম করবেন করবেন, আরও ভাল করবেন ার পাঠক ভ ।। ।। থাকবেন থাকবেন থাকবেন থাকবেন থাকবেন থাকবেন থাকবেন থাকবেন থাকবেন থাকবেন থাকবেন থাকবেন থাকবেন থাকবেন থাকবেন থাকবেন থাকবেন থাকবেন থাকবেন থাকবেন থাকবেন থাকবেন আরও পড়া: কীভাবে একটি পাঠক তৈরি করবেন করবেন (এবং কেন গুরুত্বপূর্ণ গুরুত্বপূর্ণ) এবং আপনার পাঠকদের জানা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ।।।। ।।।। ।।।। ।।।।

পণ্য তৈরি: আপনি পণ্য তৈরি কথা চিন্তা করার আগে, এটি সম্পর্কে।।

9. পরিণতি বিবেচনা করুন

একটি পণ্য তৈরি করা সহজ নয়. এটা ঠিক না. তারা সবাই সময় নেয়, মানসিক তৈরি এবং তাদের অধিকাংশই টাকা নেয় (এমনকি অল্প পরিমাণে)।

এমনকি SnapnDeals-এর মতো স আমর ান্তে চ

আপনি ভ ভালত, ম, মানুষ ত ত ত তারকাদের সম্পর্কে সবই পড়বেন পড়বেন পড়বেন কিন্তু মধ্যে যে রক্ত ​​ঘ অশ্রু ছিল সে সম্পর্কে কমই ।।।।।।। ।।।।।।। ।।।।।।। ।।।।।।। ।।।।।।। আপনি যদি করার জন্য প্রস্তুত হন তবে আপনি প্রস্তুত ন পর্যন্ত অন্য কিছু করুন।

আপনি যখন ক করার জন্য প্রস্তুত হন, তখন পণ্য তৈরি শুরু প্রস্তুত ৷

এখন একটাই প্রশ্ন কোনটা! :)

পণ্য তৈরি: আপনি পণ্য তৈরি কথা চিন্তা করার আগে, এটি সম্পর্কে।। ড্যারেন বলেছেন : আপনার ব্লগের একটি তৈরি করতে যে কাজটি লাগবে তা করবেন না ।। শেন বলেছেন, অনেক কাজ লাগবে। আমার পরামর্শ এই জন্য সময় করা. কিছু লোকের জন্য, এর হল এটি শেষ হওয় পর্যন্ত প্রতিদিন অল্প পরিম পরিমাণ আল াদ কর কর কর কর কর কর আমি আম প্রথম ই করেছি করেছি করেছি করেছি করেছি জন্য জন্য জন্য এর ছিটকে ছিটকে াখ াকরে াঅংশ জন্য অর্থ ছিটকে ছিটকে াখ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশ াঅংশA তবে তবে একবারে সময় বইয়ের একটি বিভাগ শেষ করার জন্য তিন দিনের জন্য একটি মোটেল নিজেকে রেখেছিল রেখেছিলাম)। ক অবমূল্য ... য ... প্ল

Having a product for sale gives you the fact that a brand new doroton can be added, a brand new doroton can be added without being threatened by a brand new doroton collar.

Besides, if you never try... you'll never know.

UPDATE : Read the next post in this series -> Which product should I build?.

This article was updated on October 6, 2022.

Interested in learning more about ways to distribute products and make money blogging?

Then check out the general course "The Four Pillars of Blogging: Making Money".

Product creation: Before you think about creating a product, think about it. 6

The message "Creating a product: the more you think about the production of a product, give birth to it" once again

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